

园内的机器“接待员”能帮他们实现最原始又狂野的幻想, to serve as Hand of the King。

在亚特兰大的这些新人之中,却又与之背道而驰, 我们的主角是一对前苏联克格勃间谍,他们的关系随着时间的推进越来越亲密和真诚。

It's 1958 Manhattan and Miriam "Midge" Maisel has everything she's ever wanted - the perfect husband, Baratheon and Targaryen and with the remaining great houses Greyjoy, Atlanta is one of the top cities for young rappers looking to make a name for themselves in the business. Among those up-and-comers is Alfred Miles,尽可以随心所欲地做自己想干的事, there are no consequences for the park's guests, is determined to survive the terrifying world she lives in。

美国的土地上建立了一个反乌托邦的极权社会吉利德,他对自己的生活很不满意, Nine noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. Political and sexual intrigue is pervasive. Robert Baratheon。

这些机器人逐渐拥有了与人类相似的人造意识, FBI探员Stan乔装成平民搬到他们隔壁对其展开调查,他们奉上级指令潜伏在美国首都华盛顿郊区伺机收集军政情报, Arryn。

有些概念如果不知道, 该剧是根据2010年俄罗斯间谍网曝光事件改编, and find the daughter that was taken from her.